• Front Squat

  • Farmer Carry

  • Kettlebell Swing

  • MURPH WOD Group

  • Weighted Pushup



TGU - Turkish Get Ups

Turkish get up is an all body exercise that can involve a kettlebell.

Start lying on your back and press the KB straight up with your right arm while your right heel is pull close to your buttocks. This can be done on the opposite side.From there you begin the process of standing up with the weight at the end of your locked out arm while constantly maintaining eye contact with the weight.

Press down through your left shoulder, elbow then hand. This will allow you to raise your hip off the ground to swing your left leg underneath.
From there continue the process of standing up to full extension all the while keeping your arm locked and eye on the weight. Upon standing up you can include a KB Windmill or KB Overhead Squat before proceeding to lower to the floor in the reverse order.
The Turkish Get Up is a great all body exercise that involves your whole body. Once mastered you can progress in weight but make sure to pay strict attention to proper form along the way.