• Front Squat

  • Farmer Carry

  • Kettlebell Swing

  • MURPH WOD Group

  • Weighted Pushup



Crossfit Brighton 150209

Are you signing up for the Open?
Since I started CrossFit over 3 years ago it has been a tradition of mine to participate in the CrossFit Open Games and I have already signed up.  My first CrossFit Open I did not know what to expect and if I could even do any of the Games workouts because I had only been doing CrossFit for 5 months.   I was thrilled that the first games workout that year was as many burpees as possible in 7 minutes because I knew I could do them.  My resolve strengthened to be even more ready for the next year’s Games by continuous improvement in my workouts.  

The 2nd year I participated in the Games I was able to push jerk 75 lbs. over my head.  That was a lot of weight for me, albeit not impossible, and a huge accomplishment to do it.  I resolved to keep challenging myself with the weights and not to “go easy” in workouts when I can do more.

The 3rd year was even more challenging since the last Open workout was 84 thrusters mixed in with 84 burpees over the bar where the clock “couldn’t save you”.  I resolved that as long as it took I was not going to stop and prepared myself mentally for the challenge.  The weight for women was 65 lbs. which was a lot for me, but again, doable.  It took me a half hour and that workout is one of my greatest achievements in CrossFit.  I had the full support of the CrossFit Brighton Community that were there cheering me on.  

Participating in the CrossFit Games is an opportunity for me to celebrate my hard work, dedication and consistency in doing CrossFit.  There may be workouts in the Games that I am unable to do physically but that is OK.  I focus on what I can do, what I can push myself to do and learn what I still need to work on.  

The Games this year have expanded to include a teenage division and an opportunity to do a scaled version of the Open workout.  I believe everyone should sign up for the Open no matter what your age or your ability.  For a small fee you will have a sense of accomplishment that is priceless.  You will push yourself and learn things about yourself that you may not have otherwise in a regular workout.   

While everyone has their own reasons for participating in the Open, I have found the true competition in the Games is the one I look at in the mirror.  You will be challenged physically and mentally and that is something I look forward to.