• Front Squat

  • Farmer Carry

  • Kettlebell Swing

  • MURPH WOD Group

  • Weighted Pushup



What is the W.O.D. Class?

W.O.D. stand for workout of the day.Our W.O.D. Classes are CrossFit based. CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program designed for overall fitness. Overall fitness is defined by the 10 recognized fitness domains. These are cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy. Our program is by design broad and general. We train people to get stronger, faster, leaner and more flexible.

These one hour long classes are designed with a warm up, skill development, workout of the day and finally lifting/strengthening portion. The exercises, format and design change daily to avoid boredom and complacency. More importantly the variation in the training sessions will constantly stress your body in different ways.

Our program is designed for universal scalability. A fighter or professional athlete can train next to a grandmother, housewife or a salesman. Their needs differ not by kind but by load and intensity. CrossFit is the base strength and conditioning program for many first responders, tactical operations and the military. It is also the strength and conditioning program for many youth athletes, moms/dads and everyday people.

Our workouts are measurable, repeatable and scored. Everyone documents their scores on the whiteboards. This allows people to see their progress in black and white. They can also see their progress in whatever they encounter in everyday life whether it is fighting a fire, playing summer softball or picking up bag of groceries.