• Front Squat

  • Farmer Carry

  • Kettlebell Swing

  • MURPH WOD Group

  • Weighted Pushup



110410 Post

Clean & Jerk: Performing Olympic lifts require strength, power, speed, balance and coordination. It is a phenomenal movement for athletes as a way to increase their on the field performance. It is also a great movement for everyone to increase their general fitness levels.

These types of exercises are complex and require many hours of practice to properly and safely perform the movement. It is a core to extremity movement that mimics real world movements.

Breaking down the Clean & Jerk into parts helps teach the lifts in a progressive manner. Keep the bar over your feet, don't pull early with the arms and obtain full range of motion are all points of emphasis. One member said she learned how to Clean by bailing hay as a youngster.

This was the third WOD in the Crossfit Games Open. We have a handful of members at CFB that have joined Hyperfit in this competition.