• Front Squat

  • Farmer Carry

  • Kettlebell Swing

  • MURPH WOD Group

  • Weighted Pushup



Crossfit Brighton 120207 Post

Do you have what it takes? The registration for the 2012 Crossfit Games is open. The first step is to register for the Open. Anyone, anywhere can sign up and get ready to compete. The first of five weekly WODs will be announced Feb. 22nd. Register now and join Crossfit Brighton's team.

Three reason to sign up:

1.) You will have a chance to compete and put your score in to compare to people in our region and around the world.
2.) If you are working out you might as well make it fun and challenging.
3.) Why not??? Remember the last time you were challenged. Instead of accepting the challenge and trying something new you sat on the couch and watched a rerun of Two and a Half Men?