• Front Squat

  • Farmer Carry

  • Kettlebell Swing

  • MURPH WOD Group

  • Weighted Pushup



Crossfit Brighton 120221 Post

Why would I sign up?

As you may know, the 2012 Crossfit Games is set to open. The first of five workouts will be posted Wednesday Feb. 22nd at 8:00 pm EST. People from around the world will be doing the workout and posting scores. The competition ends in July 13th-15th at the Games with some phenomenal athletes competing.

Why would I join? Most of us will not make it to the "Games" let alone the "Regionals". We are not at this level of competition. We like the training because it improves our overall fitness levels. Some try to reach prescribed weights or are trying to achieve individual goals such as an unassisted pull up, muscle up or a new PR on a lift. We attend the classes, do a little extra credit work and then need to head to work or take care of kids.

But, we are looking for a challenge. We want to push our physical and mental thresholds further. This is why we all initially started Crossfit. We wanted something more. We were looking for a challenge. The Crossfit Games standards of movements and exercises will challenge everyone of us. Having a judge stand next to you eyeing every rep will be enlightening. This will give people a new look on fitness. It will also allow us to learn about ourselves.

We do not know what the exercises, reps, sets, weights or time constraints will be coming up on Wednesdays for the next five weeks but chances are that it will be doable for the masses. Crossfit recognizes that fitness as a sport is for everyone. People from around the world are signed on and waiting.

Our plan is to do the Open workout's during Saturdays WOD Classes at 8:30 am & 9:30 am at CFB. We will also hold additional times Friday afternoons by appointment only. See you then.